School Lunches
Hutchison Catering provides school lunches for St Aelred’s and SMCCAT primary schools. Here is some information about the company:
‘Nutrition is at the heart of the menus that we develop at Hutchison Catering. We wholeheartedly aim to provide a balanced diet that is not only nutritious but also engaging with our young customers… …our meat is Red Tractor, all our fish is sourced from sustainable sources in line with MSC guidelines, eggs are free range, fruit and vegetables come from LEAF accredited suppliers and we also use Fairtrade products wherever possible.’ Hutchinson Catering Ltd, website, services to primary schools, August 2021
Our catering staff cook meals in our on-site school kitchen each day. Lunch consists of freshly-made, hot main courses, served with a selection of vegetables, potatoes, pasta or rice plus a selection of fruit or homemade desserts. You can view an example menu here. There are vegetarian options and food allergies are catered for. If you wish to notify us of any allergens, please complete this form.
Cost of lunches
All children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) are entitled to a universal infant free school meal.
Year 3 upwards, meals cost £2.30 per day.
Families Experiencing Financial Hardship
Families who are in receipt of benefits may be entitled to free school meals (FSM) which, currently, continues even if entitlement to benefits stops.
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact the office where staff can carry out a quick and confidential check to see if you are eligible for free meals.
If you are eligible, the school also benefits from significant additional funding to support achievements of
How to book & pay
The menu can be viewed and meals booked and paid for on Parent Pay. Meals can be selected up to midnight the night before. All parents are given a login for Parent Pay when children start school.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch to school, instead of having a school lunch. Please consider healthy choices for your child and do not send in sweets or chocolate bars as part of packed lunches.
Water and Snacks
All children need to bring a water bottle to school every day; this should contain water, only. Reception children up to the age of 5 years, are entitled to free milk at break time.
Children may bring a snack for morning break; this should be a healthy option – no sweets or chocolate bars.
Reception and KS1 pupils have the option of free fruit that is provided to school, as a snack at break.