Phonics and Early Reading


At St Aelred’s, we strive for all children to become fluent, confident, and proficient readers and to instil in them a love for reading. We recognise the importance of a balanced approach that teaches children both the skills of word reading (implemented through our chosen Synthetic Phonics Programme, ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds’) as well as the importance of developing language comprehension skills to so that children can read with understanding and for enjoyment. We endeavour to immerse them in a language and vocabulary rich environment where children are exposed to a breadth of high-quality literature and supported through high quality interactions with staff. We strive for children to see themselves as readers for both purpose and pleasure and to foster a lifelong love for reading.


  • Phonics is delivered through our chosen SSP ‘Little Wandle’ programme by a highly trained team of reading experts
  • All staff are trained in the ‘Little Wandle’ programme and lessons follow the programme with fidelity
  • The ‘Little Wandle’ assessments are used to inform a rigorous programme of keep up intervention so that all children can become fluent and confident readers.
  • Children make a strong start in Reception, following the Little Wandle progression: teaching begins in Week 1 of the Autumn term.
  • Children in Reception and Year 1 are taught phonics daily for 30 minutes, building from 10 minute lessons initially at the start of Reception. 


Daily Keep-up lessons ensure every child learns to read

  • In line with the programme, phonics is taught whole class. 
  • Any children who are not keeping up with the pace of the programme are swiftly identified and a rigorous programme of keep up sessions is implemented.
  • Assessments are carried out regularly using the Little Wandle assessments. This informs interventions, addressing each child’s specific gaps, allowing them to keep up with their peers.  These interventions are in addition to whole class phonics lessons.
  • Regular progress meetings are held with the reading leader for the children who are making slower progress. 
  • Daily Keep-up support is taught by a fully trained Reading Champion. Keep-up lessons match the structure of class teaching, and use the same procedures, resources and mantras, but in smaller steps with more repetition, so that every child can secure their learning.
  • In Year 2, children move onto the Little Wandle Spelling programme which begins with a phase 5 review and bridge to spelling sessions. Phonics catch up is in place for children in year 2 and beyond who are not fully fluent at reading and have not completed the programme. We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised assessments to identify the gaps in their phonic knowledge and teach to these using the Keep-up/Rapid catch up resources – at pace.  


Reading Practice Sessions

  • We teach children to read through reading practice sessions three times a week. 
  • Children read books matched to their secure phonic knowledge informed by the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised assessments. 


  • Phonics teaching is strong, as a result of regular coaching and CPD. 
  • All pupils learn to read, regardless of their background, needs or abilities and make progress.
  • Improved outcomes for children in the Year 1 Phonic screening check and end of KS1 assessments in Year 2. 
  • Children who are working outside of the pace of the programme will show good progress in their individual reading and phonics skills.
  • All children will secure the skills required to become fluent, expressive, confident readers which will support them in their lifelong journey. 

Language Comprehension and Reading for Pleasure



 We know that “‘Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success.’ (OECD 2002) ‘The will influences the skill and vice versa.’ (OECD 2010)

At St Aelred’s we take a holistic approach to reading across the curriculum:

  • In Nursery and Reception we have developed a reading spine. Core texts are chosen that expose children to new vocabulary, spark their imaginations and broaden their knowledge of the world. A heavy emphasis is placed on learning new and challenging vocabulary to support children’s Early Language Development. Vocabulary from these texts is explicitly taught in one of our ‘We love to read’ sessions in Reception. These sessions include best practice from ‘Talk through Stories’ as well as the ‘Tales Toolkit’ model. 
  • The Wellcomm toolkit is used by staff to support vocabulary development and communication skills as part of the ‘Early Talk for York’ programme. 
  • Adults consistently model language, vocabulary, and syntax both from books and stories, seeking to introduce new and challenging vocabulary. This is explicitly planned for.  
  • Stories and books are strategically placed in all areas of the classroom to support play-based learning.
  • Daily song and rhyme times and poetry sessions  are taught using the ‘Poetry Basket’ anthology in Reception and Year 1. 


At St. Aelred’s, our children have the right to: 

  1. Take time to read and develop a passion for reading.
  2. Read for the pleasure of it.
  3. Choose books that they love.
  4. Be read aloud to and see themselves reflected in a book.
  5. Acquire knowledge that will help them own their futures and understand the world.

To promote fluency, understanding, and a love reading; all children at St. Aelred’s are guaranteed the following:



Children at St Aelred’s have a love for reading seen in our ‘We love to read’ sessions. The children relish being read to and enjoy sharing books with their peers. Their love for reading continues to grow as they move through the school and children are excited to share and celebrate their reading skills at home with their families. Children can name their favourite books and can talk about well known and loved stories. 

