The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) at St Aelred’s is very well-supported and active in reaching out and helping those in need in our parish, school and local community.  In school, our Mini Vinnies also turn concern into action.  They go the extra mile and meet to pray about how they can help others in need, but most importantly, they act!  The Vincentian life means we have to ‘see, think and do’ so that we really understand how to live the message of Christ to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Our Mini Vinnies Team meet regularly with Mr Patton to celebrate the work of St Vincent de Paul and to live his example through:

  • prayer
  • thinking about those in need
  • actively working to create positive change for others

Mini Vinnies make a pledge about their commitment and work for the good of the community when they join.  At the start of the year the Mini Vinnies plan how and when they will fundraise throughout the year.  In school, they help pupils by providing initiatives such as class worry boxes for children to share their concerns.  As a school and with the support of our parish SVP, we support our local community at harvest, and at different times of the year by sending friendship cards.  We also support our neighbours around the world such as fundraising for the Open Arms Orphanage in Malawi, Mission Together and CAFOD.

You can find out more about the role of Mini Vinnies by reading the Young Vincentians information booklet or by visiting the Saint Vincent de Paul website.