Through worship, in our relationships, in teaching, and at play, St Aelred’s is committed to the expression of the Catholic faith, both explicitly and – perhaps more importantly – in our daily life together. Daily, we try to live out our vision of our school that is: A family of God, living life in all its fullness – playing, learning and growing, together. Members of our school community are encouraged to show God’s love through our core values of friendship, courage and respect. It is in our day-to-day actions and interactions; in the care that we show for one-another; in our dedication to providing the best for each child; that we hope that God’s love shines through.
Informed by our Catholic beliefs and values, school offers a welcoming, forgiving, secure and loving community for every child, which nurtures their development as an individual human person, encourages them on their faith journey, and challenges them to show God’s love through the service of others. Service of others might be helping another pupil; taking on a responsibility in school; taking part in visiting Lamel Beeches, locally; joining in with fundraising for CAFOD, for example; or praying for others. Children are helped to understand their world and their lives in the light of their faith. Our Catholic faith encourages children to develop into the person God wants us to be and is at the centre of our curriculum and behaviour strategies.
For School leadership, our Catholic values are the touchstone: for us as role models; in our decision making; in the service of others; and in our interactions in school and within the wider school community.
There are explicit outward signs of the Catholic faith in our school, such as displays, prayer spaces, crucifixes, and a display in the entrance which captures our vision and values. These are outward signs of our Catholic identity, which help to communicate the liturgical, sacramental and spiritual life of the school and inform and inspire children, staff and visitors.
Although the school has a Catholic foundation, we welcome and respect children and families of all faiths or of none. Equally, we expect that families who are not Catholic, who have chosen St Aelred’s for their child, to support and respect the Catholic distinctiveness of the school.